If You Know How to Do Online Dating Correctly

It Will Work Better!

And We'll Teach You How!

Key Areas of Focus in The Course


The photos are the first entry point for online dating. Your online dating success hinges on the RIGHT photos to draw in the right person to be interested enough to read your profile or message you. But what is the "right" photo for online dating? These photos have a very unique purpose, and your photos have to match that purpose for them to do their job right. In this course, expert dating photographer Jon Fischer will teach you what the right kinds of photos are AND how to take them. Jon will share some of the techniques that he uses on his own shoots with you so you can do it yourself anytime, anywhere.


Your first message is crucial! A great message can make someone interested in getting to know you better, while a bad one can turn them off completely. But don't worry, Carmelia will teach you how to craft the perfect message and transition to a real-life date with ease. Get ready to find your perfect match!


After the photos, the profile is your match's next opportunity to get a "sense" of who you are to see if you might be a good fit. But it's hard to talk about yourself in a way that someone can get a "sense" of who you are. This is not a resume. Like the photos, a dating profile is a unique piece of writing with a unique purpose, and it needs to be done right for it to work best. The actual writing of it needs to reflect who you are. But that's pretty tricky. Celebrity matchmaker and top dating coach Carmelia Ray will bring to you her 20 years of experience matching couples to guide you through doing it right for it to work how it should.


Stay safe and secure with our online dating safety course! Learn how to protect your personal information, recognize warning signs, and communicate effectively with potential matches. Don't let potential risks scare you away – with our course, you can navigate the online dating world with confidence!

Your Teachers

Carmelia Ray

Celebrity Matchmaker

Expert Dating Coach

Carmelia Ray is an entrepreneur and mother to three amazing children. As the middle child and only daughter to immigrant Flipino parents, Carmelia has experienced many hardships as a young girl and female being raised in the projects of Toronto. She is passionate about empowering, supporting, educating, and mentoring women of all ages. The National Women's Day Not-For-Profit is a long-time dream of hers turned into reality. She had always envisioned being able to give back to her community by sharing her struggles as a woman working in male-dominated leadership roles. She has had to deal with and overcome physical and mental abuse, racial discrimination, gender bias, unfair pay issues, sexual harassment, and lack of access to mentors and mental health resources.

With over 30 years of experience, Carmelia Ray is a recognized powerhouse in online and offline dating. She brings an expansive set of skills to her remarkable work as a matchmaker, mentor, advisor, and coach — having helped 8000+ couples find love while supporting more than 65,000 singles to navigate relationships successfully.

Widely featured on TV shows such as "Mom vs Matchmaker," which has received awards for its success in around 85 countries globally; not only can you hear about her impressive accomplishments from AskMen or CNN – but also top-tier publications including USA Today & Washington Post alongside various podcasts! What's even better? This renowned relationship expert offers insight into romance through Huffington Post or YourTango, too – branding herself among modern thought leaders within this industry.

Carmelia Ray is a recognized powerhouse and thought leader in digital dating, personal branding, and building relationships. She brings an expansive set of skills to her remarkable work as a Celebrity Matchmaker, mentor, advisor, and media coach to the most successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, celebs, and influencers.

Jon Fischer

Expert Dating Photographer

And Teacher

For the past 15 years, Jon has dedicated himself to the art of online dating photography, establishing himself as a true specialist in the field. Throughout his career, he has expertly captured the essence and allure of approximately 1000 individuals, specifically tailored for the purpose of online dating. In fact, Jon can be credited with revolutionizing the way online dating photography is approached and executed. Such is his expertise that he now imparts his knowledge to other photographers, teaching them his innovative techniques and methodologies.

Highly regarded within the dating industry, Jon's methods have received resounding confirmation from experts in the field. Through meticulous research and practical experience, he has developed proven techniques for capturing dating photos that yield exceptional results. These methods have been refined and honed over time, allowing individuals to present themselves in the best possible light within the unique context of online dating.

What truly fuels Jon's passion is the ability to help people see themselves in a new light. He firmly believes that the notion of being "photogenic" is not contingent upon one's physical appearance but rather on their emotional experience with the camera. If you have ever doubted your photogenic qualities, Jon wants you to know that it stems solely from your response to the camera, not from your inherent attractiveness. By embracing and applying the methods and tricks he teaches, you can transform your experience with the camera and redefine your perception of yourself.

In essence, Jon's expertise extends far beyond photography; it delves into the realms of self-discovery and empowerment. Through his teachings, you will not only enhance your online dating profile but also gain a newfound appreciation for your own beauty and radiance. Let Jon be your guide as you embark on a transformative journey toward embracing your true self and captivating others through the power of photography.

Carmelia Ray

After her guidance, I didn’t stay on the market for very long LOL! Even with all the craziness in the world, I still managed to meet my soon-to-be husband within a year of working with her as my love coach.

Carmelia is more than a coach. She is a friend who always keeps it one hundred!

I got into action around my dating life because of my coaching and am now dating someone who is more than what I dreamed of. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement so I can be confident when dating and have what I want

Nadia M

Real Estate Broker


Date Coaching Client

Kimberly S

Date Coaching Client

Jon Fischer

I have been sending my single clients to Jon for their online dating profile photos for a few years now. They are always amazed at what a great job he does, how much fun they have during the shoot, and what a positive impact their photos have on the results they get. I can't recommend Jon Fischer enough!

Jon has an extraordinary gift, ...he has this magical way of helping everyone to see and express their own inner beauty. I have always hated the way I looked in photos, in this age of "selfies" I never take pictures of myself, but I was astonished by what he was able to capture on film. It was more than a photo shoot, it was a transformative experience.

Jon is great at setting you at ease. I've had very few photos that I think were flattering. But Jon got lots of them. Highly recommend him!

Karen Jones

Dating Coach

Anna C

Dating Photography Client

Karen L

Dating Photography Client


What To Expect In The Course:

Learn the secret to what kinds of photos actually WORK to cause a response

Learn how to take EFFECTIVE dating photos on your own

KNOW that you ARE photogenic!

I'll prove it!

Learn the secrets of writing a bio that causes a response. It's NOT a resume! You're not looking for a job.

Learn how to message so that the person ACTUALLY RESPONDS

Learn how to go from endless messaging TO A REAL DATE


Some Course Feedback

Kuion M

Toronto, Canada

I've always struggled with being in front of the camera but the tips and techniques Jon shares in the course really made a difference, both in my comfort in being in front of the camera and the results. The results shocked me actually! And when it comes to my profile Carmelia’s advice was so straightforward and so easy to implement. I feel like I'm finally on the right track to finding someone special, and it's all thanks to this amazing course.

Jon’s self-directed course is informative and easy to follow. Coupled with his interactive class, I’ve gained valuable, effective tips and selfies I love; all in a comfortable and fun setting. Jon knows his stuff, and am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him.”

Nessa V

San Francisco, CA

Josh D

Toronto, Canada

Throughout the course, I delved into the technical intricacies of photography, including the mastery of lighting techniques. However, what truly set this course apart for me was Jon's remarkable talent for unraveling the creative dimension of photography. His ability to articulate the artistic essence behind each image was truly awe-inspiring and immensely beneficial to my growth as a photographer.

I’ve found Jon's course materials very useful so far. These, in combination with his interactive session, I believe have set me up for an inward and outward journey that I'm hoping will strengthen my search for a partnership. Each of his videos seems to contain a nugget that I can then put into operation; e.g., one, exude my actual joy, and two, employ technical means to capture it effectively.

Ben W

Boston, MA


Online dating can be challenging, frustrating, and downright exhausting. But what if you could learn from the best of the best? That's exactly what you'll get when you enroll in this course with top celebrity matchmaker Carmelia Ray and renowned dating photographer Jon Fischer.

Carmelia's expertise in matchmaking is unparalleled. She has helped countless people find love and happiness, and she knows what it takes to make a real connection online. With her guidance, you'll learn how to create a profile that reflects who you are, what you're looking for, and what makes you unique. You'll discover the secrets to writing a winning bio, selecting the perfect photos, and presenting yourself in the best possible light.

And then there's Jon Fischer. As one of the world's top dating photographers, he knows how to capture the right kind of photos that actually accomplish their goal. Taking photos for online dating is different than any other kind of photography. Not only do you need to know how to capture images that make you look your physical best. But even more important and extremely difficult to accomplish, you'll need to convey your personality - not just what you look like - through these pictures. With Jon's help, you'll learn all of this and more.

Together, Carmelia and Jon will guide you through the unique challenges of online dating. They'll break down everything you need to know into manageable parts so that you can learn quickly and easily. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with the skills to make the most out of online dating and find the perfect match for you.

Don't let online dating get you down. Enroll in this course today and take control of your love life. With the expertise of Carmelia Ray and Jon Fischer, you'll be one step closer to finding the love and happiness you deserve.


Who are you?

  • You're new to online dating. For whatever reason, you're trying it out for the first time. You heard of successes and failures. You don't want to be in the failure camp. So you want to do it right.
  • You're tired of it not working. You're tired of online dating NOT working. This is your last shot before you give up. You're hoping that if you do it right with the guidance of professionals, it can actually work!
  • You're a professional. Simply put, you're a professional in how you take on projects. You seek the guidance of professionals in their field to ensure you do it with as much ease and minimal time waste as possible.

What will you get?

  • More confidence in online dating. With our course, you'll learn how to navigate the dating world easily and confidently.
  • The confidence that you've presented yourself in the very best way possible. Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to a more fulfilling dating life.
  • Ability to contact people so that THEY ACTUALLY RESPOND. We'll show you how to write compelling messages that stand out from the crowd and get responses. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your online dating experience.


This course is perfect for those looking to build confidence and learn new skills. We'll show you how to take stunning photos that showcase your unique style and provide expert guidance on being successful with online dating, including tips for messaging and finding your perfect match. Whether you're a beginner or looking to up your game, our course has everything you need to succeed. Enroll now and start your journey toward a more fulfilling dating experience!


Discover the path to manifesting the relationship of your dreams with our online dating and photography course. Through our expert guidance, you'll learn to capture the essence of who you are through stunning photos and craft a profile that authentically showcases the best version of yourself. With these essential tools, you'll attract the perfect match - someone who cherishes you for who you are. Our course is a journey of self-discovery, self-love, and empowerment, allowing you to find the relationship you desire and deserve. Embrace your inner beauty and let it shine, and watch as the love you've been waiting for comes to you effortlessly.


Your Match is Waiting!

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To Online Dating Success

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